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September 11, 2014

Do you have Start-itis?  You know - where you
start a project but never seem to quite wrap it up?

It's not exactly procrastination.  Heck, I can start a new project everyday.
It's the follow-through that's the challenge.

And, really, isn't that what Life is all about?

So, what's the solution?

1.  As simple as this sounds, stop starting new projects.  Learn to say (shout!) "NO!" when a fascinating new craft or decorating idea pops into your head.  Write it down in your Creative Ideas notebook for later action.

2.  Stay away from flea markets, yard sales and thrift shops for one month.  I can't believe I just typed that.  Like an addict, avoid the places that are most tempting.

3.  Organize the projects you currently have in the works starting with the ones that will take the shortest time to complete and ending with the biggest project.  Write them on a chalkboard as a reminder to keep you focused.

4.  Make a list of the supplies you need to finished the first project on the list.  And only the first project.  Yes, it would be more efficient to buy the supplies you need to complete the entire list but we're focusing here, people.

5.  Don't erase the projects as you complete them, draw a line through them.  That way you can physically see what you have finished and it will help you stay motivated.

6.  At this point in your Finish-itis Metamorphosis it's time to do something that we crafters and DIYers dread like the plague:  write off the projects that, in your heart, you know you're not ever going to finish.  

♥  Get a large, sturdy box

♥  set it in your sewing/craft room or area

♥  fill it with that scarf you didn't complete because you didn't like the way it was turning out and the fabric scraps you were collecting to some day make an amazing wall hanging and the cross stitch patterns that you were going to get around to using and the sweaters that some day you were going to turn into stuffed animals and the little stool with the broken leg that you need to repair before decoupaging it and the - you get the picture.

♥  Load the box in your car, drive it to your favorite non-profit thrift shop, unload it at their back door (don't go in!) and drive home with the satisfaction of knowing that some other crafter/DIYer will squeal with delight when they come across your box of odds and ends for sale.

Jeremy Statton says, "The hardest part (of a job) is getting started."

I disagree.  It is hard to start a new job/project but
the hardest part of a job/project is finishing it.


  1. Wonderful advice Jan but it will never work, what would I do on a weekend if I didn't mooch around a car boot sale, craft fair or antique fair?

  2. This is me. Piles of unfinished projects with chalkboards and paper lists in each room. I have cut my thrifting in half, keep my trips to Hobby Lobby to twice a month, and stay away from the free bins at Lowe's. I can see my next steo is the dreaded one - TOSSING! Thanks - I am pinning this and possibly printing it out to ... wait, wrong. I will get up from this chair and finish something.

    I read the Cleavland Obsevaory with sadness in my heart.

  3. This is me to a tee! But in the past 6 months I have started doing exactly what you are describing. It is HARD but it is working. I am letting go of things that I really wanted to do and you know what I haven't missed them yet. I think it is the thrill of starting something new that I fed off of. Now I am starting to feel the thrill of finishing something and actually knowing I am DONE. And my husband has been great about gently reminding me, don't start another project unless the last one is finished and I am happy with the results.

    Is this problem just a side effect of a very overactive, creative mind? I tell myself it is LOL

  4. Donna, the Distressed one, referred me to you. :) I like what you said in your side bar, so I'm a new follower. Plus, I love Matisse. -Revi

  5. Actually, I'm already following. :) But I had to say, this sounds like Dave Ramsey for projects! Love it.

  6. How well do the box springs hold up outside? Like how quick do they rust & how much rust do they get?
