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January 2, 2013

Big Announcement for 2013!

After much prayerful consideration Bob and I decided to move back to
north Alabama.  Although we've enjoyed living in central Florida for over
years, we've always been homesick for family and friends 'back home'.

Several weeks ago we sold our house and made two quick house hunting
trips to Alabama.  We purchased a darling cottage in a quiet, countryside
community surrounded by acres of cotton fields north of Huntsville.

While it is hard for us to leave such wonderful friends and neighbors behind,
we feel that it is the right time for us to make a move closer to family.  

I'm asking for your patience during this time of transition as fleaChic
postings might be a little erratic.  But, never fear - fleaChic will continue,
as bossy and opinionated as ever, just from a new location.  Our moving
date is Monday, Jan. 7th.  Prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated!


  1. What an exciting start to the New Year. I hope all goes well with the move, and I look forward to hearing all about it when you are settled.
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year.

  2. Good luck and happy new year! We'll wait...

  3. Oh Congratulations and happy packing and moving. You know what? Here is a big tip: Pack a suit case for each member of the family and that suitcase never leaves your site. Pack just a two day change of clothes and medicines that you need or would most likely need and then when you move and the night falls on your new home you will know where your necessities are at that moment and you won't need to scream and dig through tons of boxes to find what you need. A dear friend shared that with me about 6 years ago and last year when we did actually move, I remembered it and it was lovely, lovely, lovely.

  4. Good luck and congrats to you! It sounds like it will be a wonderful move!!!!

  5. How exciting. Good luck with your move and enjoy your new home. Be happy.
    Patricia x

  6. All the best with your move - hope it all goes well & you settle in happily in your new home.

  7. Moving is never an easy step, but by following your heart and your gut you always end up in the right place. Wishing you strength to pack and unpack as the 7th draws near! Hope it all goes smoothly! Sharon from England.

  8. Thanks for all the sweet good wishes. We're excited to be returning to our 'roots' and being with family. The house we've bought is wonderful with possibilities and I can't wait to share the progress with my fleaChic friends.

  9. sarajan, i love your post on fireplaces..i live in my grandparents big ol house..well not that big. but full of radiators.. i always had wished it had a fireplace. my children got me one for christmas and i had to reorder a different one so am waiting for it. i know i will find the right place and it will fit right in! so happy you will be moving closer to family. we retired here from the air force with out even knowing what was ahead, and i cant tell you how thankful i am to have family here to help each other thru the days...thats what its all about! enjoy your day!!

  10. I am sitting by the fire right now staying cosy. I had to laugh when I saw your first photo. When we bought our first home, the first thing I removed was the cardboard fireplace the owners had in the living room. One reason we sold that house was that there was no fireplace.
