What do you think when you see a quilt lying on a vendor's table at
a flea market? I mean, after wondering how much it cost?
To quote my grandmother, I'm a "practitioners of the needle arts".
Whenever I spy a quilt for sale at any venue - yard sale, flea market, thrift shop - I marvel that anyone is willing to part with a precious
Labor of Love.
No longer created just for warmth, today's quilts are
humorous, intricate and beautiful works of art.
Today's quilters strive to preserve stitching
from the past and create new, innovative
designs for future generations.
How darling would this be hanging in a nursery?!
Whether you stitch quilts, collect quilts, or simply
appreciate their beauty, take a second look at that
tattered and faded quilt on the vendor's table.
The hundreds of hours that went into creating
it really do tell a story.
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