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February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day.  Love life.

“Life” magazine, February 15, 1906; Raymond Moreau Crosby 

February 5, 2016

Once my teens were old enough to drive I automatically assumed
that they were dead in a ditch if I didn't hear from them every hour.
It took several years to unravel the umbilical tether and not panic if
hadn't heard from the kids every day.

It's always irked me when bloggers suddenly stop posting with no
explanation.  My absence from fleaChic is due to a health issue
that I've battled for several years - Ulcerative Colitis.  Surgery
was required in my case and I'm recovering at home under the
supervision of Bob, Archie and Boswell.

I don't know when I'll feel up to returning to writing and I apologize
for the uncertainty of the future of fleaChic.  Thanks for your support.