Trading Spaces on TLC was one of the first DIY (under the supervision
of a decorator) reality TV shows. It's hard to believe that the show
just celebrated it's 15th season, isn't it?
Today we're going to take a walk down memory lane and roll
our eyes and laugh at some of the show's spectacular FAILS!
Oh, dear! Leave it to Hildi to hang the furniture on the ceiling.
The husband thought it was funny but the wife was not amused.
Remember the episode that featured The Oasis?

Another Hildi fail - she covered the basement walls in striped fabric
and filled it with sand to make a beach getaway. Get. It. Away!
Yup, another Hildi no-no (I'm seeing a pattern here.) She covered
one wall of a family's living room with a huge mural of herself.
But the WORST Trading Spaces room makeover ever:
The walls of a historic Craftsman style home were covered in hay. What
was completely ridiculous about this ideas? The couple had a baby and a
toddler. Not smart. It took 17 hours for the production company to
remove the hay and restore the walls to their original condition. And,
yes, it was a Hildi Santo-Tomas design.
This didn't start out as a Hate Hildi post but you have to admit that she
had more Misses than Hits. Like the time she wallpapered one couple's
bedroom in cardboard. Or the episode where she covered another couple's
bedroom with feathers - and they had cats! How 'bout the time she pasted
wine labels all over a minister's kitchen?
Yes, other designers on the show have had a few less-than-enthusiastic
homeowners with their rooms but, by far, Hildi owns the vast
majority of the show's fails.
I'm ready for a Trading Spaces Reunion. Bring back the original cast and
raise their budget from $1,000 to $5,000. Except Hildi. Lose her invitation.
original host, is married to actor Patrick Page. Yes, her legal name is Paige Page.
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